
Long stay

Please give us a call +30 6947722329 or drop us a line at to check availability and rates for stays of 21 days or more.

Exclusive Rates

Looking for a shorter stay? Look no further. Our exclusive offer up to 15% off our rates, is ideal for your short stay on the island.

Offer is valid for stays throughout the season. Different night restrictions may apply, subject to availability and season. Offer is valid for a minimum of two nights stay. Requires full prepayment, which is non refundable in case of cancellation.

Check all our Rates and Offers

Rates are revised periodically at the owner’s discretion. Rates, offers and restrictions may vary according to period during the season. Owner reserves the right to stop any offer without prior notice. Offers are non combinable or transferable.

Do you need more information?

Give us a call at +306947722329 or send us an email:

OUR Villas

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    T: +306947722329


    T: +306942997755


    T: +306942997755